Would love to know how to get a hello to some old White Oak Jr High School friends that went to Colerain
Nancy Wells
4 months ago
My aunt, Carol Langdale Marsh, class of 1952, died on September 9, 2024, in Loganville, GA. Her brother was Dan Langdale, who graduated from Colerain HS in 1955. (He died 10 years ago, on September 28, 2014.)
Carol’s obituary can be found here: https://www.stewartfh.com/obituaries/Carol-Marsh-4/#!/Obituary. She will be missed by her five children, grandchildren, great-children, and numerous friends & family members.
Bill Weil
7 months ago
It is with great sorrow that I report the death of my brother Elmer P. Weil on March 22,2024 (1961) after a 5 year battle with cancer. Elmer spent vitually his whole career in the plumbing trade, including 20+ years as a plumbing inspector and department head for the city of cincinnati. He was heavilly involved with developing plumbing code for the state of Ohio and also taught plumbing apprenticeship classes for several years. He leaves his wife of 50 years Susan. We will always miss Elmer.
Class of 1979 45th Reunion Saturday, August 3, 2024
6:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Pebble Creek Country Club, 9799 Prechtel Rd, Cincinnati 45252 For more information, check out FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2420506801475352/
Alexandra Wadsworth
9 months ago
The Colerain Class of 2004 is having their 20th high school reunion Saturday, May 18 2024 at Pebblecreek Gold course. For further details and how to purchase tickets please click on the below link!
Kayla: The library at CHS has yearbooks from there beginning 1941 until this year. If you contact CHS and talk to the librarian I am sure she would be more than happy to let you see the yearbooks.
CHS phone number 513-385-6424
Cindy Sansone Gaige
10 months ago
Class of 1974 50th Reunion
Saturday, August 31, 2024 6-10pm
Pebble Creek Events Center
Contact: Cindy Sansone Gaige ckmgaige@yahoo.com
Colerain High School Class of 1974 is having their 50th reunion on Saturday, August 31, 2024@6 pm with a dinner and dance at Pebble Creek. Deadline is July 15, 2024. $70 per person
ZELLE: CHS class1974reunion@gmail.com *note CHS 50th reunion, name, and # of tickets
VENMO: bjkraatz@gmail.com
Checks: CHS Class of 1974 PO BOX 3 Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Thursday, August 29 Reds game/Thomas Rhett concert
Friday, August 30 CHS football/tailgate
Contact and chairperson is Cindy Sansone Gaige ckmgaige@yahoo.com
As I have done before, and will continue to do, I went searching the Internet for an old and very dear friend (that I lost track of years ago) and lo and behold ANOTHER obituary! He was a 1955 Colerain grad but his remembrance is not shown on the roles herein and should be. I’m so sorry to say that Burt C. Albrecht passed away on August 16, 2019 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Rest in peace my old friend.
Patricia Rolfert
11 months ago
Colerain High School Any Year Lunch will be on April 10, 2024 (Wednesday). The lunch is open to any graduate of any year/class or friends of CHS. The lunch is held at Pebble Creek Event Center from 11am to 2pm. The cost is $21. Send your reservation/check to: Pat Rolfert, 6085 Day Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45252. Make check payable to Pat Rolfert. Send your reservation/check on or before March 22, 2024. Any questions, contact Pat Rolfert at pbrolfert@fuse.net or 513-385-6085. Let’s get 100 people to attend to help celebrate the 100 Years of Colerain High School. Get a group of friends together and come to the lunch.
Hope to see you~!!!
Denny Hirsch
11 months ago
The following note was received by the Alumni Association from Dave Suder ’64
John Suder Class of 1956 passed away on 2-6-2024. He was the son of John Suder Jr. CHS Booster Club President 1955-57 and Ruth Suder CHS Booster and PTA member. John was the brother of Dave Suder Class of 1964.
Condolences to the family and all who loved John. We were classmates from 1949 thru 1954. He was a very special guy! GOD rest his soul.
Teresa (Berning) Moorman
1 year ago
I would like to share that my beautiful sister, Pamela Moorman (Berning), class of 1981, passed away 12/10/2022 after courageously battling ALS for almost 4 years. She was ABSOLUTLEY the BEST sister in the universe! I miss her very day.
-Teresa Moorman (Berning)
James T Pearce
1 year ago
It is with great personal sorrow that I report that Phil Olden (1960) has passed away.
Lilaine (Lil Humphrey) North
1 year ago
Perhaps it’s my age, or the love I have for old friends from my 1956 class, but as I search the Internet for friends that I enjoyed life with in high school, I keep finding obituaries. I already notified this site of the passing of Lena Corwin Magly and Don Shea (friends I found on the Internet) and today I discovered another obituary (not listed herein on the In Remembrance area) Jane Vaughn Hubrich a 1956 alumni, who passed away on February 25, 2022. I feel very blessed to have reached the age of 85 and still be in excellent health. My love and prayers go out to my friends who have gone on to their final reward! God bless their souls. (submitted by Lil Humphrey North – eddiesmom36@aol.com)
Bless you, Lilaine. It’s a very different world since you put on your graduation gown. I understand the sorrow that comes with your search for old friends. I too experience melancholy as my classmates pass. I am sooo happy you are still with us.Chris Williams (Class of ’73)
Thank you Chris Williams. Your response tells me that SOMEONE DOES READ THESE POSTS. I don’t think anyone from the class of 1956 ever reads or participates in the Colerain Message Board. God bless you for being a caring person! Live long and prosper!
I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Lil over the last few months. What a delightful person! I originally contacted her after reading a post she shared regarding the passing of a friend.
I’d been interested in interviewing an “old school” Colerain graduate to share with my Class of ’74 Gal Pals. My thought was to remind our group (as our 50th Reunion approaches) that many friendships and successes are modeled and upheld by those who came before.
To that end, I’m submitting the attached article with gratitude and admiration for Mrs. Lil Humphrey North.
Hope you enjoy!
Sylvia Minda Hinton, class of 1967 passed away on December 14, 2023 due to complications of Parkinson’s. She will be missed by classmates and especially her husband Guy and son.
Lil Humphrey North
1 year ago
I am sad to report the death of two 1956 Alumni. I noticed neither one is listed in the In Remembrance division of this alumni posting. Lena Magly died in March 2021 and Don Shea passed away in May 2022.
Carol Thacker
1 year ago
My brother, Paul Frey, age 83 passed away November 20, 2023. Paul was one of the original men who established the Colerain Any Year Luncheons which are now held at Pebble Creek in the fall and spring.
So very sorry for your loss. He was a really nice guy. I lived next door to you years ago on Springdale Rd.
Kathy Muddiman Abrams
1 year ago
Hello, alumni!
I am a ’74 graduate. I’m currently writing a “then and now” type of article for the Colerain Gal Pals, Class of ’74, as well as the 100th Year Anniversary Committee. It’s my hope to interview the earliest graduate I can find and a recent graduate. I’d like to get each of their perspectives on a number of topics about their high school years. I’d also like to include a photo.
My questions will be respectful and I will not submit without the individuals’ approval.
Any leads/volunteers/recommendations are most welcome!
Kathy Muddiman Abrams kathy.abrams56@gmail.com
My Mother, Ruth J. Listerman (Maiden Last Name….Herrmann) is
probably one of the OLDEST LIVING MEMBERS of Colerain Education.
She is now 94 years old. She remembers attending Colerain High School
with only twenty-seven members in her class. Unfortunately, many
Colerain High School young men quit school in order to join the
military to fight in Europe and/or Japan during World War II.
Please remember USA Veterans.
Thank You…Jim Listerman / Colerain High School Class Of 1969.
Hello, Jim:
My name is Kathy Abrams (class of ’74) and I am new to the discussion board. This morning I posted about my intent to write an article comparing the perspectives of an early graduate and a recent graduate on their high school years. Do you think your mother would be interested? You’re welcome to contact me for more details. Ultimately, I hope to submit the article to the 100th Anniversary Committee, as well as the Colerain Gal Pals ’74 newsletter.
Thank you for your consideration.
317-438-7988 kathy.abrams56@gmail.com
My moms name was Ruth Listermann (Henry) she did not go to Colerain but didn’t know there was two Ruth Listermann’s I guess she spelled it with the one N. I graduated Colerain in 1991.
Lisa Warren
1 year ago
I am on the lost alumni list
Tom Schmitt
1 year ago
I see that the in remembrance section shows Sally E Williams ‘93 passed away. I knew her quite well in high school. She was so cool and gave me rides to school. I can’t find an obituary for her anywhere on the web and wondered how the alumni found out about her passing? If you do have a link for her obituary, I would appreciate if you could sent it to me.
1 year ago
Has anyone found our missing football program?
Denny Hirsch
1 year ago
If anyone knows how to contact Sherry King Roth from the Class of 1987, please contact Colerain High School and ask for Mrs. Saylor. Someone has found your class ring and would like to return it to you.
Patricia Rolfert
1 year ago
Colerain High School Any Year Lunch will be on October 11, 2023 (Wednesday). It will be at Pebble Creek Event Center from 11am to 2pm. Any year graduate/friend of CHS is welcome. Cost is $21 per person. Make checks payable to Pat Rolfert. Send to Pat Rolfert, 6085 Day Road, Cincinnati, OH 45252. Deadline for reservations is October 1, 2023. Any questions please contact Pat at 513-385-6085 or pbrolfert@fuse.net. We want to try to get 100 people to attend. Bring friends~!! Hope to see you~!!
Denny Hirsch
1 year ago
Come join in the fun on Tuesday August 8th between 4:30-6:30 at CHS. This event will kick off the 100 Year Celebration. There will be food, performances, and games.
Denny Hirsch
1 year ago
The graduating Class of 2024 from Colerain High School will be the 100th. As part of our Century Celebration we are trying to locate Colerain’s oldest living graduate. We think they would have graduated between the year’s 1941-49. This would make them about 91-100 year’s old.. If anyone knows of a relative or friend who graduated in those years and is still alive please contact Denny Hirsch 513-404-5679 or dennykathy3@yahoo.com
Ben Wickemeier (‘63)
1 year ago
I’m passing along the sad news that my sister, Jackie Wickemeier Durham (Class of ‘54), has passed. She died on June 7, 2023, after a cardiac arrest event. She was a hospital patient at the time recovering from hip replacement surgery.
Hi. Just wanted to report Richard Harpring passed away on March 13. He was in the class of 1971. Thankyou
Randy Bernhardt
1 year ago
Dear Fellow Classmates, I am sad to report the passing of Peter Seitz, Class 1985. Pete died on January 9, 2023. He was a veteran of the US Air Force and lived in Arizona. Family and friends have held a memorial gathering. Pete was a best friend to everyone that knew him. He will be missed.
Greg Yoschak
1 year ago
18 Apr 2023:
Hello, my mother Terry Koehler, 1962 Valedictorian, has passed away. She had previously requested that we notify the association. There will be a public celebration of life TBD in the vicinity of Rocklin, CA.
Greg Yoschak gyoschak@yahoo.com
[The “Contact Us” page here is malfunctioning]
Nancy Wells
1 year ago
My uncle, Dale McCann, was a 1948 CHS graduate. He died on March 20, 2023, in Mason, OH, age 93. There’s a public memorial service on Saturday, May 6th, at the Stone Center at the Christian Village at Mason, 411 Western Row Rd. Visitation starts at 10:00 a.m., with the memorial service following at 11:00 a.m. If you knew Dale McCann, you’re welcome to attend and meet his children.
Uncle Dale was a sibling of my mom, Patricia McCann Wells, who also had graduated from Colerain HS. I know that Dale had attended reunions in the past, probably several years ago, so didn’t know if any of his classmates are still alive.
Norbert Snow
1 year ago
The class of ’58 is having a reunion on Thursday, September 14, 2023 celebrating our 65th anniversary. It will be at the Bier Haus from 1:00 to 4:00pm. Contact Norb Snow at 630-386-0030; or at nesnow@prodigy.net.
Dave Burke
1 year ago
Does anyone remember Kim Griffin class of 75,76,77?
Go to wearecolerain.org At the top choose Fan Zone. Under that choose Newsletters. The one at the bottom of the list. Click on that and the newsletters will appear. You might also click on the second option Colerain Touchpro. Choose explorer Colerain that will appear beneath the picture. From that you can view Class Photos, Athletic Teams, ad a number of other options.
Colerain High School’s 100th Anniversary Celebration
Colerain High School will be celebrating its 100th anniversary during the 2023 – 2024 school year. Since its first class in 1925, more than 32,000 students have graduated from Colerain. The Class of 2024 will be the 100th graduating class.
To commemorate this milestone, a committee is being formed to plan events throughout the coming year that highlight the rich history of the school. From academics to performing arts to athletics, Colerain’s students have excelled and brought notoriety to the school and community over the years. Alumni have used their education in many ways as they entered the workforce, served in the military or continued their education in college. Regardless of the path chosen, the common thread for each graduate was the solid foundation and support provided by their dedicated teachers, counselors, coaches and administrators.
An organizational meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 28 at 6:00 p.m. at the high school for anyone who would like to participate in the planning of the Century Celebration. For additional information, please contact Denny Hirsch at dennykathy3@yahoo.com.
Denny Hirsch
1 year ago
CHS Any Year Reunion will be on April 19 (Wednesday), 2023. It will be at Pebble Creek Event Center from 11am till 2pm. Cost is $20 per person. Make check payable to : Pat Rolfert. Send to Pat Rolfert, 6085 Day Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45252 on or before April 5, 2023. I must have your reservation money before April 5 as I have to give Pebble Creek the number of people who will attend the lunch. Any questions please call Pat Rolfert 513-385-6085. or email me at pbrolfert@fuse.net Feel free to share the information with any graduate/friend of CHS. If you know someone who does not have email, please pass the information to them. Thank You
Every year, on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, people take the time to kick off the holiday season by giving back to their community. Giving Tuesday has now become a global movement. Everyone has something to give, and every dollar counts. The Colerain Boosters are excited to continue this tradition as its mission is to make Colerain High School, along with Colerain and White Oak Middle Schools, better places for the students and community. DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT! We are excited to have a matching gift that is in place for total donations received up to $5,000 between Tuesday, November 30 and December 15, 2022. If you give $50, it will have the impact of a $100 contribution! To make your online gift, click on the “Donate” button in the upper right-hand corner of this website. What’s the plan for donations received?
Our goal is to raise at least $15,000. All funds will be used for updates that will contribute to a positive atmosphere at CHS, specifically in the Cafeteria for all students to enjoy.
Thank you for your generosity and have a great holiday season!
I wanted to let everyone know that Mike Dreyer, Sr., class of 1972 passed away October 2022
Jerry Strohmenger
2 years ago
60th Reunion of the CHS Class of ’63
The dates are May 19 & 20, 2023. The format will basically be the same as in 2018. We will have a private “Meet & Greet” on Friday evening between 6:00 and 9:30 PM in Meritage’s upstairs bar area. Our dinner will be held the following evening between 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM in the same private upstairs bar location.
Contact the committee members below for more info:
History of Colerain Football written by Coach Paul Geisen. Coach Geisen put this together. I’m trying to find a copy for Coach Kocica. Anyone hs r any idea how to locate this?
Would love to know how to get a hello to some old White Oak Jr High School friends that went to Colerain
My aunt, Carol Langdale Marsh, class of 1952, died on September 9, 2024, in Loganville, GA. Her brother was Dan Langdale, who graduated from Colerain HS in 1955. (He died 10 years ago, on September 28, 2014.)
Carol’s obituary can be found here: https://www.stewartfh.com/obituaries/Carol-Marsh-4/#!/Obituary. She will be missed by her five children, grandchildren, great-children, and numerous friends & family members.
It is with great sorrow that I report the death of my brother Elmer P. Weil on March 22,2024 (1961) after a 5 year battle with cancer. Elmer spent vitually his whole career in the plumbing trade, including 20+ years as a plumbing inspector and department head for the city of cincinnati. He was heavilly involved with developing plumbing code for the state of Ohio and also taught plumbing apprenticeship classes for several years. He leaves his wife of 50 years Susan. We will always miss Elmer.
Where do I register for the 1974 reunion?
Facebook Colerain High School 1974
Class of 1979 45th Reunion
Saturday, August 3, 2024
6:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Pebble Creek Country Club, 9799 Prechtel Rd, Cincinnati 45252
For more information, check out FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2420506801475352/
The Colerain Class of 2004 is having their 20th high school reunion Saturday, May 18 2024 at Pebblecreek Gold course. For further details and how to purchase tickets please click on the below link!
Any questions reach out to the Colerain 2004 Facebook page!
Hi, I’m trying to locate any yearbooks from the years 1988-1995. If anyone has one from these years I’d love to look through them. Thank you!
Kayla: The library at CHS has yearbooks from there beginning 1941 until this year. If you contact CHS and talk to the librarian I am sure she would be more than happy to let you see the yearbooks.
CHS phone number 513-385-6424
Class of 1974 50th Reunion
Saturday, August 31, 2024 6-10pm
Pebble Creek Events Center
Contact: Cindy Sansone Gaige
Where do I register for the 74 reunion ?
go to the Facebook page Colerain High School Class of 1974 Reunion events tab.
Colerain High School Class of 1974 is having their 50th reunion on Saturday, August 31, 2024@6 pm with a dinner and dance at Pebble Creek. Deadline is July 15, 2024. $70 per person
ZELLE: CHS class1974reunion@gmail.com *note CHS 50th reunion, name, and # of tickets
VENMO: bjkraatz@gmail.com
Checks: CHS Class of 1974 PO BOX 3 Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Thursday, August 29 Reds game/Thomas Rhett concert
Friday, August 30 CHS football/tailgate
Contact and chairperson is Cindy Sansone Gaige ckmgaige@yahoo.com
Colerain c/o ’94 30 Year Reunion
Sat July 13, 2024
6:30-10 pm
The Pub Rookwood
2692 Edmondson Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45208
Pay only for what you drink or eat. Appetizers provided!
Questions? colerain1994@gmail.com
Will you join us? Please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/eA5Rf9X7nC2fqoar5 or colerain1994@gmail.com
As I have done before, and will continue to do, I went searching the Internet for an old and very dear friend (that I lost track of years ago) and lo and behold ANOTHER obituary! He was a 1955 Colerain grad but his remembrance is not shown on the roles herein and should be. I’m so sorry to say that Burt C. Albrecht passed away on August 16, 2019 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Rest in peace my old friend.
Colerain High School Any Year Lunch will be on April 10, 2024 (Wednesday). The lunch is open to any graduate of any year/class or friends of CHS. The lunch is held at Pebble Creek Event Center from 11am to 2pm. The cost is $21. Send your reservation/check to: Pat Rolfert, 6085 Day Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45252. Make check payable to Pat Rolfert. Send your reservation/check on or before March 22, 2024. Any questions, contact Pat Rolfert at pbrolfert@fuse.net or 513-385-6085. Let’s get 100 people to attend to help celebrate the 100 Years of Colerain High School. Get a group of friends together and come to the lunch.
Hope to see you~!!!
The following note was received by the Alumni Association from Dave Suder ’64
John Suder Class of 1956 passed away on 2-6-2024. He was the son of John Suder Jr. CHS Booster Club President 1955-57 and Ruth Suder CHS Booster and PTA member. John was the brother of Dave Suder Class of 1964.
Condolences to the family and all who loved John. We were classmates from 1949 thru 1954. He was a very special guy! GOD rest his soul.
I would like to share that my beautiful sister, Pamela Moorman (Berning), class of 1981, passed away 12/10/2022 after courageously battling ALS for almost 4 years. She was ABSOLUTLEY the BEST sister in the universe! I miss her very day.
-Teresa Moorman (Berning)
It is with great personal sorrow that I report that Phil Olden (1960) has passed away.
Perhaps it’s my age, or the love I have for old friends from my 1956 class, but as I search the Internet for friends that I enjoyed life with in high school, I keep finding obituaries. I already notified this site of the passing of Lena Corwin Magly and Don Shea (friends I found on the Internet) and today I discovered another obituary (not listed herein on the In Remembrance area) Jane Vaughn Hubrich a 1956 alumni, who passed away on February 25, 2022. I feel very blessed to have reached the age of 85 and still be in excellent health. My love and prayers go out to my friends who have gone on to their final reward! God bless their souls. (submitted by Lil Humphrey North – eddiesmom36@aol.com)
Bless you, Lilaine. It’s a very different world since you put on your graduation gown. I understand the sorrow that comes with your search for old friends. I too experience melancholy as my classmates pass. I am sooo happy you are still with us. Chris Williams (Class of ’73)
Chris, are you by any chance related to Ralph Williams or Bruce Williams, both alumni (early 1950’s) of Colerain?
What a lovely note Chris. Would we know each other?
Bev! Class of ’74 reunion is THIS year, hop on over to our class FB page for information Colerain High School Class of 1974 Reunion
Thank you Chris Williams. Your response tells me that SOMEONE DOES READ THESE POSTS. I don’t think anyone from the class of 1956 ever reads or participates in the Colerain Message Board. God bless you for being a caring person! Live long and prosper!
I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Lil over the last few months. What a delightful person! I originally contacted her after reading a post she shared regarding the passing of a friend.
I’d been interested in interviewing an “old school” Colerain graduate to share with my Class of ’74 Gal Pals. My thought was to remind our group (as our 50th Reunion approaches) that many friendships and successes are modeled and upheld by those who came before.
To that end, I’m submitting the attached article with gratitude and admiration for Mrs. Lil Humphrey North.
Hope you enjoy!
Kathleen Muddiman Abrams
Sylvia Minda Hinton, class of 1967 passed away on December 14, 2023 due to complications of Parkinson’s. She will be missed by classmates and especially her husband Guy and son.
I am sad to report the death of two 1956 Alumni. I noticed neither one is listed in the In Remembrance division of this alumni posting. Lena Magly died in March 2021 and Don Shea passed away in May 2022.
My brother, Paul Frey, age 83 passed away November 20, 2023. Paul was one of the original men who established the Colerain Any Year Luncheons which are now held at Pebble Creek in the fall and spring.
So very sorry for your loss. He was a really nice guy. I lived next door to you years ago on Springdale Rd.
Hello, alumni!
I am a ’74 graduate. I’m currently writing a “then and now” type of article for the Colerain Gal Pals, Class of ’74, as well as the 100th Year Anniversary Committee. It’s my hope to interview the earliest graduate I can find and a recent graduate. I’d like to get each of their perspectives on a number of topics about their high school years. I’d also like to include a photo.
My questions will be respectful and I will not submit without the individuals’ approval.
Any leads/volunteers/recommendations are most welcome!
Kathy Muddiman Abrams
Kathy, you need to check in with Lilaine North in the comment above.
Will do!
My Mother, Ruth J. Listerman (Maiden Last Name….Herrmann) is
probably one of the OLDEST LIVING MEMBERS of Colerain Education.
She is now 94 years old. She remembers attending Colerain High School
with only twenty-seven members in her class. Unfortunately, many
Colerain High School young men quit school in order to join the
military to fight in Europe and/or Japan during World War II.
Please remember USA Veterans.
Thank You…Jim Listerman / Colerain High School Class Of 1969.
Hello, Jim:
My name is Kathy Abrams (class of ’74) and I am new to the discussion board. This morning I posted about my intent to write an article comparing the perspectives of an early graduate and a recent graduate on their high school years. Do you think your mother would be interested? You’re welcome to contact me for more details. Ultimately, I hope to submit the article to the 100th Anniversary Committee, as well as the Colerain Gal Pals ’74 newsletter.
Thank you for your consideration.
My moms name was Ruth Listermann (Henry) she did not go to Colerain but didn’t know there was two Ruth Listermann’s I guess she spelled it with the one N. I graduated Colerain in 1991.
I am on the lost alumni list
I see that the in remembrance section shows Sally E Williams ‘93 passed away. I knew her quite well in high school. She was so cool and gave me rides to school. I can’t find an obituary for her anywhere on the web and wondered how the alumni found out about her passing? If you do have a link for her obituary, I would appreciate if you could sent it to me.
Has anyone found our missing football program?
If anyone knows how to contact Sherry King Roth from the Class of 1987, please contact Colerain High School and ask for Mrs. Saylor. Someone has found your class ring and would like to return it to you.
Colerain High School Any Year Lunch will be on October 11, 2023 (Wednesday). It will be at Pebble Creek Event Center from 11am to 2pm. Any year graduate/friend of CHS is welcome. Cost is $21 per person. Make checks payable to Pat Rolfert. Send to Pat Rolfert, 6085 Day Road, Cincinnati, OH 45252. Deadline for reservations is October 1, 2023. Any questions please contact Pat at 513-385-6085 or pbrolfert@fuse.net. We want to try to get 100 people to attend. Bring friends~!! Hope to see you~!!
Come join in the fun on Tuesday August 8th between 4:30-6:30 at CHS. This event will kick off the 100 Year Celebration. There will be food, performances, and games.
The graduating Class of 2024 from Colerain High School will be the 100th. As part of our Century Celebration we are trying to locate Colerain’s oldest living graduate. We think they would have graduated between the year’s 1941-49. This would make them about 91-100 year’s old.. If anyone knows of a relative or friend who graduated in those years and is still alive please contact Denny Hirsch 513-404-5679 or dennykathy3@yahoo.com
I’m passing along the sad news that my sister, Jackie Wickemeier Durham (Class of ‘54), has passed. She died on June 7, 2023, after a cardiac arrest event. She was a hospital patient at the time recovering from hip replacement surgery.
So sorry, Ben. Our sincere condolences.
1976 CHS year book $75
Hi. Just wanted to report Richard Harpring passed away on March 13. He was in the class of 1971. Thankyou
Dear Fellow Classmates,
I am sad to report the passing of Peter Seitz, Class 1985. Pete died on January 9, 2023. He was a veteran of the US Air Force and lived in Arizona. Family and friends have held a memorial gathering. Pete was a best friend to everyone that knew him. He will be missed.
18 Apr 2023:
Hello, my mother Terry Koehler, 1962 Valedictorian, has passed away. She had previously requested that we notify the association. There will be a public celebration of life TBD in the vicinity of Rocklin, CA.
Greg Yoschak
[The “Contact Us” page here is malfunctioning]
My uncle, Dale McCann, was a 1948 CHS graduate. He died on March 20, 2023, in Mason, OH, age 93. There’s a public memorial service on Saturday, May 6th, at the Stone Center at the Christian Village at Mason, 411 Western Row Rd. Visitation starts at 10:00 a.m., with the memorial service following at 11:00 a.m. If you knew Dale McCann, you’re welcome to attend and meet his children.
Uncle Dale was a sibling of my mom, Patricia McCann Wells, who also had graduated from Colerain HS. I know that Dale had attended reunions in the past, probably several years ago, so didn’t know if any of his classmates are still alive.
The class of ’58 is having a reunion on Thursday, September 14, 2023 celebrating our 65th anniversary. It will be at the Bier Haus from 1:00 to 4:00pm. Contact Norb Snow at 630-386-0030; or at nesnow@prodigy.net.
Does anyone remember Kim Griffin class of 75,76,77?
Go to wearecolerain.org At the top choose Fan Zone. Under that choose Newsletters. The one at the bottom of the list. Click on that and the newsletters will appear. You might also click on the second option Colerain Touchpro. Choose explorer Colerain that will appear beneath the picture. From that you can view Class Photos, Athletic Teams, ad a number of other options.
Where can I find the newest Colerain Chatter?
Go to Colerainalumni.com Newsletter is under newsletters
Our date is getting closer! Hope to see everyone for a night of fun and talk. Class of ’73 50th Reunion!!!
Pebble Creek Golf Club
9799 Prechtel Road
Cincinnati, OH
August 18,2023
Cost: $65 per person
To register and buy your tickets: https://Colerain1973 reunion.classquest.com
Colerain High School’s 100th Anniversary Celebration
Colerain High School will be celebrating its 100th anniversary during the 2023 – 2024 school year. Since its first class in 1925, more than 32,000 students have graduated from Colerain. The Class of 2024 will be the 100th graduating class.
To commemorate this milestone, a committee is being formed to plan events throughout the coming year that highlight the rich history of the school. From academics to performing arts to athletics, Colerain’s students have excelled and brought notoriety to the school and community over the years. Alumni have used their education in many ways as they entered the workforce, served in the military or continued their education in college. Regardless of the path chosen, the common thread for each graduate was the solid foundation and support provided by their dedicated teachers, counselors, coaches and administrators.
An organizational meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 28 at 6:00 p.m. at the high school for anyone who would like to participate in the planning of the Century Celebration. For additional information, please contact Denny Hirsch at dennykathy3@yahoo.com.
CHS Any Year Reunion will be on April 19 (Wednesday), 2023. It will be at Pebble Creek Event Center from 11am till 2pm. Cost is $20 per person. Make check payable to : Pat Rolfert. Send to Pat Rolfert, 6085 Day Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45252 on or before April 5, 2023. I must have your reservation money before April 5 as I have to give Pebble Creek the number of people who will attend the lunch. Any questions please call Pat Rolfert 513-385-6085. or email me at pbrolfert@fuse.net Feel free to share the information with any graduate/friend of CHS. If you know someone who does not have email, please pass the information to them. Thank You
CHS Any Year Lunch is held on April and October each year. For information, contact Pat Rolfert as stated above.
Colerain High Class of 1973 50th Reunion, August 18, 2023 at Pebble Creek Golf Course, 9799 Prechtel Rd, Colerain Township, from 7pm to 11. Register at colerain1973reunion.classquest.com. $65 per person.
The class of 1968 is due in 2023 to celebrate its 55th class reunion!We need to plan a get together !!
This is to let you know that our father, Phillip Endres, class of 57 passed away May 2021.
Sorry for your loss.
Boosters’ Day
of Giving
November 2022
Every year, on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, people take the time to kick off the holiday season by giving back to their community. Giving Tuesday has now become a global movement. Everyone has something to give, and every dollar counts. The Colerain Boosters are excited to continue this tradition as its mission is to make Colerain High School, along with Colerain and White Oak Middle Schools, better places for the students and community.
DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR GIFT! We are excited to have a matching gift that is in place for total donations received up to $5,000 between Tuesday, November 30 and December 15, 2022. If you give $50, it will have the impact of a $100 contribution! To make your online gift, click on the “Donate” button in the upper right-hand corner of this website.
What’s the plan for donations received?
Our goal is to raise at least $15,000. All funds will be used for updates that will contribute to a positive atmosphere at CHS, specifically in the Cafeteria for all students to enjoy.
Thank you for your generosity and have a great holiday season!
Anybody know when 1976
I wanted to let everyone know that Mike Dreyer, Sr., class of 1972 passed away October 2022
60th Reunion of the CHS Class of ’63
The dates are May 19 & 20, 2023. The format will basically be the same as in 2018. We will have a private “Meet & Greet” on Friday evening between 6:00 and 9:30 PM in Meritage’s upstairs bar area. Our dinner will be held the following evening between 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM in the same private upstairs bar location.
Contact the committee members below for more info:
We look forward to seeing all of you next May!
Bill Luken bluken@cmcmmi.com 513-470-7685
Jerry Strohmenger jstrohme01@gmail.com 239-543-9828
Lois Thornberry loistberry@yahoo.com 513-317-1620
Ben Wickemeier kbwickemeier@fuse.net 513-560-7611
Dottie Wullenweber swully@fuse.net 513-741-7540
History of Colerain Football written by Coach Paul Geisen. Coach Geisen put this together. I’m trying to find a copy for Coach Kocica. Anyone hs r any idea how to locate this?
Hey there! Could you pass on my email to Coach Konica…would like to catch up with him. Appreciate any help you can render.
The Band Directors name is Jacob Page. He can be reached at jpage@nwlsd.org
He should know about alumni band.
When is band alumni night this year and what time do we have to show up